There’s been Garfield and Sammy
Bumper, Barney and Clip
Junior, Orange, and Stubby
I think that that’s it
Except for our Scuzzy Cat
“And don’t forget,” my wife said,
"There’s always our Flat Cat and
Of course there’s Fat Cat Fred."
Cats have personalities
Some are sleepy, some are pert
Scuzzy is, well, let’s just say
He likes to roll in dirt
Stubby has a stubby tail
Bumper REALLY likes to bump
Sammie is the sweetest cat
While Junior is a lump
Fat Cat Fred as you can guess
He is a little chubby
He’s not at all like Flat Cat
Who is in NO way tubby
There is a thing that Fat Cat Fred
Will do, not just ‘cause he’s fat
He likes to sleep atop Flat Cat
That IS why Flat Cat’s flat
We've had LOTS of cats over the years and while most of them use US as pillows, a couple of them were so big we could use THEM as pillows.