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I think I'll be an artist
When I grow up, that's what I'll be
I've given this a LOT of thought
Since I was way more than three
I think I am a genius
Artistic prodigy of sorts
I mostly stay inside the lines
When I try real hard, of course
Crayons are not so easy
Something with paste is what I'll do
My mom says, "NO!" to scissors sharp
And I'm not too good with glue
I thought to be a spaceman
Could be a future astronaut
But since I do get car sick lots
So I think, well, maybe not
My best bet is an artist
My parents always ask for more
Displayed for all my friends to see
On the 'frigerator door
I remember thoughts like this running around in my head when I was just a kid. And maybe someday I'll even figure out what I should be.

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