I fed my cat again this morn
Like I do every day
She sat there and meowed at me
And looked as if to say
Is this the best you’ve got for me
I’m not sure that you’d like
If you got fed the same again
Each morning, noon, and night
I fed her bacon and some eggs
A favorite of mine
And then, of course, PB and J
We all agree… divine
I tried to give her Mac and Cheese
I gave her popcorn too
I offered her some Pixie Sticks
And bubble gum to chew
I tried to feed her this and that
And every other thing
I really did my best, but… ewww
There was some cat barfing
To my surprise she did not like
The yummy stuff I do
She seems to be, well, satisfied
With plain smelly cat goo
I am AMAZED that my cats get so excited EVERY morning when we feed them the same food day after day. They each have their favorites, of course, but still... EWWW!