I wanted a pet so very much
But my mom and dad they both said, “NO!”
I thought and thought and thought some more
I made up my mind, had a plan, and so
I got me some make believe money
I went down to the make believe store
I bought an invisible dog
Mom should be glad that I didn’t buy more
Noise in the night and bugging my sis
Pilfered cookies, my clothes on the floor
I blamed that dog for everything
Mom said, “You take that dog back to the store!”
“Your room,” she said, “is starting to stink
You get in here and clean up this junk!”
“It’s not my fault,” I told my mom
“Because I bought an invisible skunk.”
I had no idea where this poem was going when I started writing it, but I laughed out loud when the last stanza sort of wrote itself. That's how it is sometimes.