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The Bumblybees dance
They wiggle to and fro
Some dance fast
Some dance slow
The way to the flowers
So honey they can make
They dance with a shimmy
They dance with a shake
Let’s fly to the field
Then back to the hive
Now it’s time to dance
Do the Bumblybee jive
One little Bee
Is lost in the wood
To find his hive
How he wished he could
Is that music he hears?
And lights by the dozen
He’s sure it is, YES!
He hears the bees buzzin
They dance in a circle
Fun is had by all
At the dance of the year
The Bumblybee Ball
As I was writing this I kept picturing a carousel in a field of flowers, but it never really made it into the poem. Though I still imagine one when I hear the poem.

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