My Mom made some cookies
Of the chocolate chip kind
She said that I could have one
I hope she did not mind
I ate the one she said
The one she said I could
And then I ate another
She must have known I would
I tried so very hard
To stop, I knew I should
Still my reasoning was sound
The cookies were too good
So now what do I do
The cookies disappeared
Yup, I’ve eaten every one
Big trouble brewed, I feared
And then I had a thought
To blame my pet dog Scamp
So I took the kitchen sponge
And made a dog paw stamp
I stuffed it in some dirt
And stamped it all around
I stamped it on the table
I stamped it on the ground
My Mother wasn’t fooled
Now my backside’s warmer
Although while my tummy’s full
It’s sitting in the corner
It's funny what we used to think we could get away with when we were kids... and how clueless we thought our parents were.