Just WHERE do bugs go
When they’re not buzzing in my ears
Or the corner of my eyes
They’re just darling little dears
Do they go to school
Where they learn how to annoy
Or is it only me
That they play just like a toy
What sort of classes
Would buggy schools need to teach
Like Irritate, Annoy,
Pester, Bother, Bug and Leach
I try not to care
Just ignore, pretend, don’t shout
Then crazy I go
Flap my hands and jump about
To Bother, to Bug
It’s their reason to be alive
It is what they do
From morning ‘till five after five
Is it only me
I really REALLY want to know
The buzzing makes me ask
Just where those darn bugs go
Every time we are on vacation and in the hot tub, invisible little bugs show up out of nowhere and chase us back into the house. I don’t know why they want to be in my ears and eyes… but it made me think of this poem.