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The teachers said that Stinky Joe
Did move away one day.
But those of us that knew him
Don’t believe all that they say.

Stinky Joe for those who knew
Had habits kind of weird.
He liked to play in toilets
Although his classmates jeered.

I kind of miss ol’ Stinky Joe
He was a friend of mine.
So I went down to the toilet
To see what I might find.

And right there on the floor beside
I saw there was a shoe.
I knew that it was Stinky Joe’s
I knew what I must do.

I leaned in just to have a look
And careful though I was.
I knew that I was going in
I knew it just because.

My head went first, I closed my eyes
The last thing was my feet.
I thought it would be really gross
It turned out kind of neat.

I slipped and slid around a bend
The pipes went here and there.
I came up in the teacher’s lounge
And all I saw was hair.

The teacher’s sink was filthy brown
It never had been cleaned.
So back into the pipes I went
Just glad I wasn’t seen.

The principal was in her chair
I popped up in her sink.
Her head was down upon her desk
She was asleep I think.

It seemed to me that Stinky Joe
Was nowhere else around.
I looked up here, I looked up there
He could not there be found.

I headed back down through the pipes
The bathroom was my goal.
But when I got back to the room
I couldn’t see a soul.

I guess I’d been down in the pipes
Bit longer than I should.
The lights were out, the kids gone home
I never knew, who would.

That Stinky Joe had really moved
He hadn’t disappeared.
He wasn’t in the pipes at all
And now I smelled really weird.


Stinky Joe



is one of my longer poems. And while I've said this before, I have to say it again... I have absolutely NO idea where this poem came from.


You either like it or you don't. But your kids probably will.

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